What ABR Can Help With?

Decreasing Problem Behavior: ABR will assess and develop effective treatments based on empirically validated procedures for a variety of challenging behaviors. Assessment and treatment might occur in the home, community, school or clinic, depending on the individual situation. The following is a list of commonly treated challenging behaviors:

  • Aggression (e.g., hitting, biting, kicking, hair pulling, scratching)
  • Disruption (e.g., throwing, spitting)
  • Self-Injurious Behavior (e.g., hitting self, biting self, head banging)
  • Tantrums
  • Property Destruction (e.g., breaking other people's property, ripping things, holes in walls)
  • Pica (i..e., eating inedible objects)
  • Eloping
  • Fecal smearing
  • Screaming
  • Food Selectivity (e.g., only eating certain types of foods, only eating certain textures)
  • Food Refusal (e.g., refusing to eat, g-tube or ng-tube dependence)
  • Inappropriate Mealtime behaviors (e.g., batting at the spoon, head turning)
  • Repetitive Behaviors/Motor Stereotypy (e.g., repetitive movements or actions)
  • Echolalia/Vocal Stereotypy/Perseverative Speech (e.g., repeating sounds, scripting)
  • Verbal Protests (e.g., "no, I don't want to")
  • Cursing
  • Threatening others
  • Mouthing (i.e., putting things in their mouth)
  • Public Masturbation
  • Inappropriate Touching of Others
  • Non-compliance
  • Flopping (e.g., dropping to floor)
  • Thumb-sucking
  • Disrobing

Increasing Skill Acquisition

At ABR the principles of ABA are used to effectively teach individuals to acquire new skills. Assessments are conducted to determine which skills the individual needs to acquire across a variety of developmental domains. Procedures are continually modified based on the needs of the individual. Data are collected immediately using iPads and new skills are introduced as skills are mastered. Some of the skills addressed are as follows:

  • Attending
  • Cognitive
  • Academic (e.g., math, reading)
  • Fine Motor
  • Imitation
  • Gross Motor
  • Receptive Communication (e.g., identify objects, colors, functions)
  • Expressive Communication (e.g., requesting, labeling)
  • Play Skills
  • Social Skills (e.g., greetings, conversations)
  • Community (e.g., danger awareness)
  • PECS
  • Self-Help (e.g., toileting, wash hands, chores)
  • Executive Functioning (e.g., waiting, problem solving)

Caregiver ABA Education

For behavior change to occur and persist over time and across environments and people, it is imperative that caregivers are trained on the procedures and protocols found to be effective. At ABR we have parents participate in our ABA Education Curriculum to give them an understanding of the terminology and principles used in ABA. Furthermore, we train parents on the specific techniques that have been successful with their child. In addition, we conduct additional trainings on teaching specific skills and addressing challenging behaviors in various settings. Progress through our program is data-driven and based on the caregiver's fidelity of implementation.